A new year, means new beginnings.

Whoohoo. 2012.
Alright, let's see here. What will i be doing this year?
Let's list them:
-taking care of my new puppy that we picked up from the street. She's a white and brown chihuahua that I named Tari. She's so cute. Adorable. ^-^
-turning 16. Eeyup. Turning that one older year, y'know. I should start complaining. Be like: 'ugh, i feel so old.' then have my friend be like: 'shut the hell up, you're only sixteen.' Yeeeahh. That's what my friends are for. Making me feel young when I old. Not to mention I look like a freking elementary schooler. -=-
-get a job. I think.. sometime in october last year, I had a job interview for Kroger's (yeah, yeah, laugh all you want). I was there with the woman I was going to have an interview with and she asked me how old I was. I tell her my age and she says I'm too young. I was kinda pissed. I mean.. Really? We made a half an hour trip, just for me to get rejected? But she did say: 'come back next year, when you turn sixteen, and i'll give you a job right away." well alrighty then. I'mma see if she lives up to that promise. She better. Or I'mma be piiiiiiiissed. >->

What else. I dunno. There's probably moar, but my oh-so-great-memory is not working at the moment, so my mind is -................- yeaah.

Anyways.. What are your new year plans? :3
January 5th, 2012 at 04:56am