Beauty Comes Within

It isnt the looks that count. Even though I tell myself this countless of times I just cannot fully wrap it around my head. It's nearly impossible to NOT be so envious towards these amazing people sprawled all over the media. We cannot tell ourselves that we are truly beautiful in every way.

"Beauty Ins't skin Deep"
Something that we should all keep saying to ourselves. We must be repetitive when thinking about this quote, we have to say it as many times as possible in order to understand the full concept of it.

What truly disappoints me, is how us girls work so hard and put so much effort into changing our looks. For example, dressing up into different clothing (brandnames DO matter!!) putting on too much makeup, creating a mask from disaterous beauty. There are also many woman (and even girls!) that trade almost everything that they have in order for them to physically change their appearances (Im talking about surgery!)

Beauty isn't about appearance, we all have our flaws. Even the super models that are on the cat walk have their own flaws. And besides, they (the models) aren't even real. The girls in the magazine and movies? they are just like us, only dressed in pretty clothing with fantastic, fake hair along with piles of make up upon their faces. To top that off, they are edited as well, air brush and computer programming to make their facial features "perfect"

My point is that why should we even pay attention to the media? Why do we let the media tell us what to wear, and what not to wear? We shouldn't be confined by these rules, we should be free and do what we please. And most importantly, we should be ourselves and let out our true side see out.
January 6th, 2012 at 07:53pm