My Meaning To Life

One of the most common questions ever asked is not "Where can I find the washroom?" or even "Are we there yet?" no. The most common question that is always asked is either, "Why do we live?" or "What is the meaning of life?"/"What is the meaning of my life?" and this question may/mat not have a variety of answers. You see, we all have our own reasons, our own interpretations. It is our question that we must answer on our own.
My reason for my life is quite simple, and yet it always ends me up into trouble or problems or even dilemas. (Well, alright not dilemas, I always fall into dilemas because of my deciding problems the "Which decision is the right the to do?/Which is the smart thing to do?" but that's off topic!). My reason is to listen to others, to "hear them out" and not push away their opinions, thoughts, words ect. Along with observing what is around me, what people are like and how do they interact. Last reason for me to live is to find happiness for I am in a constant "treasure hunt" for happiness and I would do anything and everything to find it.
I have found many times, where true happiness lies and that is where I always find love, whether it is a significant other or a best friend or even a family member. The only reason as to why I still search it, is because I want to find it, and keep it forever. Because the sad story is, we find happiness but as we do we slowly go back to "gloom and doom" because that is where we came from before becoming happy. We are just so used to "doom and gloom" (see what I did just there?) that we automatically set it as our "base" or as our "home" and so that may be the reason why we see each other not smiling until we see someone walking the opposite direction of us.
Listening, learning and observing; remaining silent and only speaking when I should. This is one of the most useful things to do in order to "survive" the crazy world out there. If you just simply ignore an "interesting comment" or even an insult you will never improve not only your strength but your mind. If someone came up to you and insulted you right at the spot, obviously shock would take place. Hear them out, there has to be a reason as to why they said such a foul thing to you. Even if it hurts, just listen to them. If you do so, you can study their actions and their gestures. If they just stand there and say that then look towards their friends or away from you quite a few times, you know they are just being a jerk and are trying to impress their friends by making a down right fool of themselves. Your reply should be "Alright, I am. Thank you for noticing" it would either encourage them, or shut them up. Never show weakness by putting on that fake smile, look at them with a facial expression that they would never forget. (I suggest imagine them as the dragon and you, the "brave" knight.) Not only does listening and observing always have to do with the mean people, it is also a way of learning things about yourself and others. When you listen to someone's story you may/may not discover that you are very similar or very different. (if that's the case, then continue to listen, for you would be deeply intriguied and would want to learn more about them. No?).
Alright, those are my two main reasons as to where I decide to move on in life, and what to do with my life. The reason always depends on the type of person, the one's who say "there is no point in life" are people who just can't find their true reason or have found their reason and learned to ignore it (which is the saddest occassion) because it categorized in their "dislikes/hates" list. A side note, I have learned/observed that from many that I have met. Many are clueless. But once you know, you will appreciate life much more than you do now. On that very day, when you find your true reason everything will make sense because us as humans need to challenge ourselves, we need to set up goals. Because if were left off "to do whatever" were just aimlessly walking through the dark.
January 7th, 2012 at 03:37am