
Me and my bestfriend ended up dating for two months. Well I turned her straight:/
She won't talk to me. But I don't mind she just iritates me now because you can't go from straight to bi to straight like that. What I am worried about is well, my old girlfriend is dating one of my friends. But she told me this after she said yes to going back out with me. She had been with her two weeks. She is going to dump her but just hasn't. This is the second time this happened between me and her. She has a istory of cheating. But she isn't cheating on me just my other friend. I feel bad but neither really liked the other. It was more a sister thing.I never stopped liking her. I really like her. I think I love her. But the complication once more is. I got together with her on a Tuesday. Went to school Wensday. But I have a medical condition that the doctors havn't figured out yet. So I missed the rest of the week. There is a new girl. She sounds like she is intrested. But then she reassured me it was sisterly. When she says stuff like that and calls me cute or pretty or beautiful or a cutsie name my heart soars. My ex Bff never did that. No one has. She protects me. I get bullied really bad but she gets them to leave me alone. I am the geeky girl who gets pressed against the locker by guys who think they are cool. I can't deal with that now because of how weak I am and how easy I bruise. She saved me from getting the crap beaten out of me a time or two. I just need advice. What should I do? I have fallen for her a millon times before and it never fails that I come back to her. I'm starstruck by the girl everyone knows as a whore and bitch. She isn't that way to me but I've seen her on her worst behavior so I can see what they mean. I love her though:)
January 7th, 2012 at 04:39am