06- The next generation

Hello there my wonderful, brillian reader,
I found myself today thinking much of the future, in particular about the fact that some day i will (Hopefully) have children. I'm young and most would say that i shouldn't entertain such thoughts but it wasn't so much the idea of parenthood that was making me think more the idea of the kind of world they will live in. Everything we consider so common today will be alien to them. It makes me both sad and excited to be able to tell them that we lived through the first generations of nintendo, xbox and playstation; that we were around when the internet took over the world and so many other things like my favourite games, movies, books and tv shows i'm really excited!

It's crazy to think what the world will be like in the future with how fast everything is evolving.

On that note i ask you a question,
What kind of things are you most excited to tell your children about?

Mine would have to be Harry potter, dragonball z and starwars and a bunch of other nerd-a-rific things:D

I'm Tom and this was a phycho's daydream.
January 7th, 2012 at 11:17pm