Bazar Imaginations Find the World of Mibba

Within our minds is a world, our own world where what we say goes, and thats that. There a few places where we get to turn that world into a reality, a world that others can grasp, a world where others can see a side of you that would have otherwise been hidden.

Often those of us who have strong worlds, a world that is so strong at times its hard to pull from our world and into the real one, we look for outlets, a place to let this place become our reality. Our imaginations are ones to be marvelled at, the things we can conjure are works of twisted, inspiring pieces of art.

We are often writers, as we look for ways to at least put what's running through our minds on paper. Or perhaps artists, often writters and artists dable in a bit of both. Often our work is considered to far out there by those who don't understand it, to descriptive or too bazar are often described by these individuals.

But there is one place where we will find others who understand this burning desire to write, to create our worlds, to leave our marks with our words alone. And that is on sites like this, sometimes we get to peak into someone elses world, and catch a fleating glimps of the brilliance they've created. And that, thats a gift.
January 8th, 2012 at 02:11am