pretty drunk right now

i'm really drunk. hah school starts on monday and i hate it so this is really my last chance to get have fun before school starts and i aam able to sleep in tomoorow. dont want to go to sleep yet, got home and trying to act sober in front of my dad. i got thisd, just typin away like normal. why is he still awake?! he said he wanted to stay up to watch snl but he slept through the whole thing and woke up at the end of it right when i'm here and i'm trying my best to speak normally and watch tvwith him before he suspects anything. omg i cant speak withour slurring my words fml hopefully he wont notce. pretending to type away at something important so he won't ask me questions....

dont know what im doing or writing, hope everyone had a great winter vacation. omg he just asked me if im writing a memoir because im typing so much haha i should stop now.

laterzz ppeople hope i dont wake ip tomorow with a giant headache ...
January 8th, 2012 at 10:11am