A Day In The Mall With Pregnant Sookie

Sookie is in her 30's and is happily pregnant with her second child. Me and Sookie met by friends, and more so, her husband, and events which lead to this one.
Sookie called me and asked if I want to go shopping with her today and I said sure. She was mostly gonna shop for her baby and it wouldn't hurt to go along with her. When she picked me up in her "new" minivan (that she has had for eight years, fyi), she told me to rub her belly because her belly was like Buddha and it would give good luck. I did and the baby kicked! It was weird but cute and cool.
Her belly is greatly big, and healthy, for her baby c:
Anyways, she even threaten for me not to make a mess in her car and to put my seatbelt on, which was a laughable argument. If I made a mess... she would be mad. Like MAD.
So, we went to the mall in New Orleans (where I am staying at the moment) and we bought stuff there... which was... crazy. Why? She MADE me put on clothes that she think looked cute on me. I mean... It was torture! Not to mention that in this very moment I'm with her at the mall because her phone has Internet for free c: but other than that, I have baby clothing bags in my arms! Did you know that these bags I'm holding are heavy?! God! I mean, I cant even shop for myself right now! She even BOUGHT ME the clothes she thought looked cute on me.
Ok. Anyways... she wants me to put on here to help her with a baby name. It can be boy, girl, unisex and ANY language. The baby is gonna be born soon in a few months and she wants the sex of the baby to be a surprise until the big day. C:
So leave names and your own comments at the bottom :)
January 9th, 2012 at 09:39pm