January 9, 2012

I always tell myself I'm not going to start a conversation with you, and I that I'll ignore you when you try to talk to me. But I just can't put myself up to do it. I'm always trying to start a conversation with you, or when you talk to me I always reply. I wish I wouldn't, because I need you to know that you hurt me. I need you to know that what you did was wrong to me, and it hurts when I talk to you.
You told Kaitlyn that I'm sad, but how would you know? Then you told Kaitlyn that you thought that because I sat alone on the bus. I told her that I wasn't sad, but that's not completely true. I'm more hurt and upset more than sad.
I'm hurt because of the things you were texting to Kaitlyn, knowing me and her were best friends. And I'm hurt knowing that she was texting back a lot of the same things you were. Even though you both were "joking" I'm still unsure if that's true. You have a girlfriend, even if it's not me, you need to respect her.
Do you really think I'm going to trust you knowing that you'll text other girls sexual things even when you have a girlfriend? What if I was your girlfriend and you texted my best friend that, I hope you know I would probably never talk to you again.
It hurts, and it's really sad that people don't take relationships seriously anymore.
January 10th, 2012 at 03:33am