School & More School.

Here we go again! More School. My second semester at college. I love it here, but I'm not liking how boring some of my classes are. Oh well! I'll get over it. It's only the 3rd day. I also got a haircut today. I cut off 2 inches, got my layers back, got my side sweep bangs back! I also went out and bought a 3 barrel waver. I have always wanted one! Yah now i have one!!!!!
Mhm...its been a pretty boring day, except for the wind and small amount of snow here in MN.

I will requote my best friend while we were walking to class, "Who is the idiot who told Mother Nature that she missed Minnesota? He/She is a Jerk!"
Seriously. It was just 50-60 degrees yesterday and people were playing football, baseball and whatever they wanted to do yesterday. And now today?! It's 20-30 degrees. BRRRR! It wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't this windy.

Well I've complained enough.
Have fun today!
January 11th, 2012 at 10:16pm