If you like me, tell me. If you don't, let me go.

I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of a game that I don't want to play. I guess you could say this all started a year and a half ago, which now seems like forever ago. His name is Tyler and he is one of my closest friends. I've known him since I was in kindergarden, so most of my life. About a year and a half ago we got to see each other for the first time in two years. The second I saw him my tiny childhood crush returned. For awhile it was non stop texting. But then we stopped talking for awhile, which wasn't a big deal to me. The last boyfriend I had, which was a long time ago, hurt me bad. So even though I had a small crush on Tyler I was broken still and no where near ready for a boyfriend. My wall had been built and it would take a lot to get it to fall. Two months of not talking and I get a text from him. So the texting starts again, this time not nonstop like it was in the beginning. But gradually we text more and more and are back to where we were. This time is different though, we start making plans to see each other(I live an hour away from him) and his friends start adding me on Facebook. I made no effort to talk to them but occasionally one would introduce themselves, which would lead to "oh Tyler talks about you a lot." This usually went on until they tried to flirt with me and I'd delete them.
While all of this was going on my crush was slowly getting bigger and I realized that I really like him. It's hard for me to admit to myself that I like someone because of my last relationship. I have trust issues and confidence issues that all started because of my past relationship. Believe me, I've had many opportunities to have a boyfriend since my last one but I don't feel like I deserve to be in a relationship. But with Tyler I feel like I actually deserve it and that I'm willing to try. Or at least I was willing to try...
It started a week before Christmas... We started talking, he was the one that texted me first. Some cheesy hello with a goofy smiley face. The conversation was normal and ended up going on for hours. It didn't stop until I went to bed. Well the next day I decided to text him which is normal some days he'll text me other days I'll text him. When he responded it was short, definitely not like him. I felt uneasy about it but got over it by thinking that he was probably busy. Boy was I wrong, I'd take him being short with me any day over what I'm getting now. He just plain out ignores me, if he does respond it's short usually one word. But then maybe one day out of the week he'll be the sweet guy I've come to know. Im to afraid to ask what's wrong because I don't want to hear what I think he'll say. I don't want it to end before it ever begins but I don't want to be led on either. Maybe I'm looking into this to much? Right now I'm just texting him if I have a question or have to tell him something important. He's suppose to show up to my birthday party on February 3, but what if he doesn't? Should I just take that as the end and move on? Ughh this is to much for me to deal with right now.
January 12th, 2012 at 06:31am