Grr! The Stress Of This Is Literally Eating Me Alive!

No. Seriously. I am sitting here, picking at my fingernails, shaking, getting sick to my stomach. I can barely think of this subject without wanting to empty my stomach into the toilet. Okay. It's not that bad really. I'm just a chicken sh*t. leseigh. You see, I am about to move out. But I'm too scared to tell my parents! Ugh! I sound like such a baby. But early last year, when I was originally going to move out with this drug addicted friend, they totally blew up on me when I told them. Which, I accept, because number one, I was younger, and just got a job, and you know. Wouldn't have been financially able. Number two, they stopped me from moving in with her in a way. But still, that lecture was horrid. And I DON'T want to have to go through that again. You get it now? You get why I am so scared? Yeah. I sound like a baby and all, but ugh. It's not like I can open my mouth, say the magic words, and everyone be all happy sappy as the frickin' sunshine. No, I know it won't turn out like that. I mean, they might take the news better, and I might skip out on the lecture, but I just can't face my parents and tell them. I wish I could, but I just don't know how.
January 13th, 2012 at 12:53am