Do Not Preach. (Give me stories)

Currently, I am going through a very tough time in my life. It's slightly hard to talk about but I found that I NEEDED to tell someone. I opened up to a very kind, understanding guy. All was going well. He talked me through some of my little problems, and then he said the G word. I can ignore it. I'm totally fine with the mention of god. But then he started to preach to me. Don't preach to me! One thing that truely makes me mad is preaching to someone who doesn't want to hear it! Seriously. He ruined it by preaching. I don't care if your trying to "save" me. Piss off -.-

And now I find myself alone with everything. . . again. If I had a relaible car, I would drive until I was across the country. But my car sucks, and I'm still slightly under age. I suppose I will read stories on here and allow them to take me away to some place that no one can find me. So. If anyone has a good story, give me the link and I will wisk away into la la land. K thanks bye. <3
January 13th, 2012 at 01:14am