Creating a New Blog! Suggestions?

Hello there! I've decided to create a blog about everything related to Disney because, well, I'm obsessed XD

Actually, in all seriousness, I've decided to major in marketing. I talked to my mom's best friend who is extremely involved in the business sector of jobs and such, and she mentioned how blogging really helped marketing employees with their future work experience. Plus, I'm planning on applying to the Disney College Program next fall, so writing about Disney will hopefully make me a little more unique in my application.

So my question for you is...What would you like to read about in such a blog? The parks? The movies? Music? Stars? Let me know!

Also, I've been toying with the title you prefer "MeloDisney" or "Disney Den"?

With love, Sara

PS: Here's the link to my new blog:
January 13th, 2012 at 05:30am