The Singles Club

An official club started by me and my best friend Brittany, after what's happened this week. In a nut shell, though he kissed me full on the lips last week and we cuddled and held hands and hugged and crap, Connor thought that this passed Wednesday would be a GREAT time to text me and say "Oh I don't want to get attached to anyone because I MIGHT leave in SIX MONTHS for Utah. So yeah, please don't hate me but we can't really continue this."

And then today or yesterday he didn't have the balls to say a word to me. WOO YOUR COOL. And just a few hours ago, my best friend Brittany was dumped by her boyfriend Jack at a basketball game. Funny thing, Connor and Jack are awesome friends. WOO THEY ARE SO COOL.

So we're starting a club within our friend group called the Singles Club, a group of a few girls who are honestly good people, intelligent, kind-hearted, pretty (though not as important - we're talking a lot of inner beauty), and who has morals and beliefs. So far it's just me and her since it was established... a half hour ago. But I plan on inviting my friend Adna, who's sweetheart had to move to Tennessee where he proceeded to knock up some girl. And a few other people.

As of right now, we're making plans for a Single Ladies party and then to go shopping and just... be happy single woman. Because honestly, the male population in our school is such: the sweeties are gay and the straight ones are douche bags. And the sweeties who aren't gay are pining after girls who are... I don't wanna say bad cause that's mean :/ but like, girls who aren't really nice to other people and who are just pretty to look at... you know?

But yeah. That's my story! Peace, single ladies <3
January 14th, 2012 at 04:50am