Music Soul Mate

If you can name these lyrics (without looking them up, of course), you are truly my musical soulmate.

1. "Wake up the dawn and ask her why? A dreamer dreams, she never dies. Wipe that tear away now from your eye"

2. "This will be nothing tomorrow and that's exactly what I'll make it seem. 'Cause I'm still not sleeping thinking I crawled home from worse than this"

3. "Remembering you, standing quiet in the rain as I ran to you heart to be near. And we kissed as the sky fell in holding you close, how I always held close in your fear"

4. "How do I get back there to the place where I fell asleep inside you? How do I get myself back to the place where you said..."

5. "She lives with a broken man. A cracked polystyrene man. Who just crumbles and burns"

6. "You're like a picture on the fridge that's never stocked with food. I used to live at home, but not I stay at the house"

7. "Call me morbid, call me pale. I spent six years on your trail"

8. "All I got was a piece of your picture that slipped through my fingers when I slid into my dreams"

9. "Save some face, you know you only got one"

10. "So I prayed for what I thought were angels, ended up being ambulances"

Can you name them? If you want to know any of them just ask me!

Sorry my computer is being stupid and it made my whole journal into one paragraph.
January 14th, 2012 at 08:14pm