A Vegetarian In Between Meals

I can make you feel like you have wings. I can make you smile wider than you've ever had. I can make you the most romantic moment of your entire life. Today, however, I choose to tear you down. Today i choose to make you cry. Along with the rise of your pain, goes my relief, brought by the venting of all my anger and hatred, all design to seem dedicated to you. Today I'll make you hate me, I'll make you want to curse my name, I'll make you feel alone and worthless. I'm an artist, you see? and my act is to destroy you from the inside out.. My performance is simple: take all your security and comfort, then, run it across the floor 'till it scratches, cracks and finally breaks. My name is Varmint and my duty is to cut you down like a the bark of a tree, make you fall, make you small, make you crawl. I want you to hold me as I slit your heart. I want you kiss me as insult you. I want you to look at me! i wanna see the pain in your eyes grown when I'm talking to you! My tongue, before, tattooed with love. My hands, before, inscribed with care. today it feels easier to give up. Today it feels better to say "whatever." Today that blade seems to sweet and inviting. Today that gun seems to feel so peaceful. Today things feel easier knowing that I'm leaving. Don't cry in hearing this. I won't listen. I just hear my blood, and it's begging to be spilled.
January 15th, 2012 at 05:58am