I actually updated, it's a miracle + What's your favorite TV Show?

I updated my story Liam Sabbers, Professional Boyfriend finally after what feels like a year and a day of hiatus. So, if anyone wants to read it, I'd love you forever <3 I'm too lazy to do a comment swap right now :/

I'm watching the Golden Globes right now, so I decided to ask the random question, what's your favorite TV show? I'd have to say my top there are Glee, Wilfred, and American Horror Story. They're all pretty different plot-wise, but I love them all so much! Oh, and I loved the show United States of Tara, but it was canceled so it ended during the summer. I was so upset! I LOVED that show :'(

1. Whats your favorite TV Show?
2. Have you ever had a show you love be canceled?
3. Is there anyone you're really rooting for at the Golden Globes?
January 16th, 2012 at 01:28am