Story ideas/poll?

I'm thinking of starting a story, but I have no idea what about so I thought I'd just put it out there and see what other people would like to read, a poll of sorts. So to you fine readers of my little journal here, what stories would you like to see? What subjects interest you? It can be fan-fiction or just a totally random subject that you'd like to see woven into a story, I'm open to anything at the moment. Band names, specific band members, fictional characters from books, movies, or television. Or it can even be a subject you've never seen yet and would like to. Any ideas are appreciated and I may just decide to do multiple stories! I'll definitely let everyone know which one(s) I end up choosing so that you can read it when it's up if you'd like. Thanks again!
January 16th, 2012 at 04:02am