Story Titles Used for Poems II

So earlier this week I decided to make a sequel of sorts to the first "Story of Another Mind" poem I mentioned making in my very first ever journal entry (It's up in my poems already, by the way [hint, hint]). I've decided to continue occasionally making these and letting them be a 'series' without actually being related to each other by anything more than where I got the idea and lines from and possibly some of the lines being the same, depending on what the story update area looks like at the time I make each one.

What I really want to do is find a way to credit each title to it's respective author so that if anyone really does have a problem with their title being there, they know it's theirs and not just coincidence. However, what I've noticed is the author's notes don't really show up anywhere below the poems or anything and I've no idea how anyone would see them, unless I'm just stupid and not seeing them in front of my face or something.

Anyways, just wondering if anyone thinks it would be easier to make a journal entry each time to credit the story authors? Or should I put some sort of separation and add it all at the bottom? Or is there some sort of better way to do it?

Any input is helpful, thanks! (Even if you say it's an entirely stupid idea, I still appreciate the opinion!)
January 16th, 2012 at 04:28am