
The topic of this journal entry is going to be more specific than hypocrisy in general. It's going to be about homophobic hypocrites, because, as a gay youth, i feel the need to relate everything to my sexuality.

People today are extremely hypocritical towards homosexuals. The people of today rant about equality and individuality, when it's convenient to them. When a straight man says he thinks everyone should be treated equally, it's quite possible that he doesn't grasp the full meaning of such a statement. If everyone were being treated equally, I would be able to marry the man I love. If the world were an equal place, homosexuals wouldn't fear showing affection in public for fear of some condescending, self-righteous, ignorant person running his/her mouth off, or possibly being jumped and/or murdered.

The problem is, a man will one second be complaining about how people should respect one another, and not discriminate against each other when the topic of discussion is anything but homosexuality, but for some reason, when it comes to homosexuals, the rules of the game change. It's almost identical to the saying from George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." The frightening thing about that, is that the book is based off of the cold war, and Stalin's transgressions against his own people. Stalin nearly enslaved all of Russia, he was responsible for countless deaths because he wanted so desperately to be in control of everything. The man didn't care for unity, he desired uniformity. He didn't care what people thought, as long as they did as they were told.

Unfortunately for those of us wanting only to get on with out lives and being happy, there are still plenty of like-minded people in this, so-called 'free country' and because of those people, our lives are made more difficult than necessary.

Life has become a great deal more difficult than ever for people all around the world. Not just homosexuals, but the entire world in general, everyone is in turmoil, so this writer's question is this:

Why make things harder than they have to be? In this world of darkness, why not try to shine some light wherever you can? Why not spare those who can be spared of despair, and sadness where you can? Why can't we all ever truly be equal? Why can't the world stop seeing through it's lashes and start looking at the whole picture with both eyes open?
January 16th, 2012 at 09:20am