The One That Got Away ~

I'm writing a story, that title should tell you. I've been working on it for some time now. It's kinda random I guess, I just make it up as I go. I do have a plot though. A Girl and a Boy. Boy breaks up with Girl, Girl meets new boy, ex boy gets jealous, Girl moves on. :) I like it, sounds... Interesting, ayy? :)
I am a big story writer, I'll write 3 or 4 stories a day, but I don't think I'll do that here. I'll keep to one story at a time, keeps less stress, lol. But anyways, I'm not exactly sure what else to say! So, I'm gonna go to bed. I'm getting a cold, so I need to go to sleep.<3 Goodnight America!
January 17th, 2012 at 06:22am