Long story short, I reviewed the bands I saw at a show the other night, and like A BILLION people on tumblr are butthurt about my opinion on LetLive.


This is what I wrote:
LetLive played. They were easily the second worst band I’ve ever seen live. Their music isn’t my type, so whatever. But the performance that they put on was absolutely the worst thing ever. The singer, Jason Butler, was clearly on something. He kept falling over and at one point, puked on the drum riser. The other band members looked so out of it. It was just sad to watch, really. One of their guitarists, however, was fucking amazing. Jeff Sahyoun was a great live performer and extremely talented! If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have even listened to their set. I think the worst part was when the singer jumped onto the bar and practically fell off of it. The bouncers didn’t even know what to do. Lesson learned: Stay off drugs.


Anonymous asked: I saw letlive the same day you did. There was no 'Throwing up". There was no "out of it". They were actually pretty good in my book. Just because you did not like them doesnt mean you have to make up some bullshit story about them. And also, maybe is you did your research, you would know that I, the Breather plays the second half of the tour.

o.o I wasn’t hating on I The Breather. I didn’t know they were only playing the second half of the tour. Thanks for informing me, though. On the topic of LetLive, I said I wasn’t a fan of the music, but that’s just my opinion! I’m not hating on the band or their fans! Other people thought he was throwing up too, not just me but I have talked to some other people who are fans of them and they said he was straightedge. Maybe he was sick or something. And what bullshit did I make up? I was saying it how I saw it. Also, you shouldn’t get so butt hurt about someone’s opinion. We’re human. We all have one.


Anonymous asked: Are you fucking retarded or something? well you must be for fucking saying that Letlive were horrible and you didn't like Jason Butler's stage performance. LetLive are fucking amazing why go see a show if you're just going to trash one of the greatest bands ever, like fuck man abort your self and your fucking horrible blog you don't deserve to have a tumblr you ugly piece of shit!! :)

o.o and again with the butthurt opinions… *sigh* this is the last time I am saying this.

1. I didn’t say the band or the music was shitty, I said it personally wasn’t my style.

2. For the first time seeing them, they definitely let me down performance wise. I’ve seen youtube videos of them live and expected way more out of them. I am not the only person who believed they were on something, severely sick, or something else.

3. I went to the show to see Silverstein. The rest of the bands were a bonus. I didn’t waste my money to go see a band and hate on them. Refer to number 1.

4. Abort myself? Really? Any intelligent human would know I can’t abort myself. If you are referring to suicide, then no. I’ve been down that road and after a long and current road of healing, I don’t plan on dying any time soon. You shouldn’t tell anyone to kill themselves, ever. I don’t care what they did.

5. Horrible blog? Lol, don’t follow me. I don’t care.

6. Ugly? Beauty is an opinion.

Now that I have wasted my time to explain this again, I hope you and every one else understands. KTHANKSBYE.


And these are just a few of them. Seriously guys? I thought we were more grown up than that. RELAX GUYS! It was just one opinion! Everyone has their own opinion! Just because my opinion isn’t the same as yours doesn’t mean you should get so butthurt over it. People these days… sigh.

On another note, MEOW.
January 17th, 2012 at 08:40am