Why do we ask a question when we don't want to hear the answer?

I have known this for a while, but I thought I would put it out there.

Why do we ask people for their names if we give them nicknames?
Why do we ask for birthdays when we go on Facebook to be reminded?
Why do we ask how was your day and always respond good, even if it wasn't?
Why do we bother asking how are you when we don't want a real answer?

These are all things we do, with no meaning other than to be polite. People aren't even being polite when they ask these questions, it is just automatic as are the answers we give in response.

If someone wanted a straight answer to "how are you?" they would be ready to sit down for a long talk, but they aren't. They ask how are you, and we respond with I'm fine. They ask how was your day and we respond with it was good. Was it really? Maybe it was. Majority of the time? No. If someone were to ask me how are you, and want a real answer we would be talking for hours. There is so much wrong in the world, that I could talk until I die, but can you imagine what would happen if I really did that? The other person would pretend to listen until they got bored and make an excuse to leave. They may even try to interrupt and one-up you. This is one of my favorites, because they take what you said and then give their stories to make what they have seem worse than yours. Even if it isn't.

Person 1: Hey how are you?
Person 2: My day was horrible!
Person 1: I'm sorry... Do you want to talk about it? *hoping they say no*
Person 2: Well, first my grandpa had to go to the hospital at 3 in the morning, then I came to school and pretended everything was OK. I visited him at the hospital and he basically said he wants to die. I just wish I knew what to do.
Person 1: I know exactly what you mean! My dogs woke me up so early this morning. I only got like 2 hours of sleep! And I am so tired at school today plus I didn't do any of my homework! My mom is going to ground me forever!
Person 2: I'm sorry. I have to go

This would be a typical conversation, but person 1 doesn't care that person 2 had a completely horrible day. They want to seem worse, it's like comparing a paper cut to being paralyzed from the waist down... it doesn't compare!

This just bugs me so much! I could go on, but I wont. Life would just be simpler if we all told the truth, and actually cared...
January 18th, 2012 at 04:40am