I have come to the conclusion that...

... guys are fucking stupid.They are not worth the time and energy that you put in to do whatever with. And they are definitely not worth the tears you shed when they break your heart.

I guess I should update you from this previous journal: http://www.mibba.com/journals/read/284569/

Since I wrote that journal some things have happened. I received a gift on January 11th. not the enchanted rose I mentioned last time. this time a necklace that has some significance in the Lord of the Rings community. I am not familiar with it(no it is not Arwen's necklace) but it is called the Lost Stone of Lothlorien. I am not familiar with it. Today I found out that the necklace was sent to my best friend and that she had to send the crystal rose back to Ireland upon request by the guy that i WAS interested in. That rose was given to his girlfriend. I have decided that i do not care anymore about him. i am not going to contact him. he can contact me. i am going to focus on myself from now on. i am going to look for a salon job so i can get paid better so i can get my next tattoo.

So there.
January 18th, 2012 at 08:03am