Mean Girls

I'm your average teenager, who attends your average High School five times a week and I'm faced with your average problems. There is this one girl who happens to think the world revolves around her, and anyone who tries to tell her different will feel her wrath. I used to be good friends with her until that faitful summer day when she started acting like some rich kid right out of one of those corny TV shows like The Hills..

She has to have wine with everything she eats, and I'm just like "Get over yourself. You're seventeen, you're not supposed to be public anyway." but her head is so far gone up her ass she thinks she is untouchable. She keeps telling people that her family are millionairs, and she could quit school if she wanted. In all honesty I couldn't careless if she was the richest girl in our school. Money is just an object to me, it's not a way of living. She feels as though she has to show off whatever she buys.

Thank god, I was taught to tell the truth all my life cause I gave her a little piece of my mind and I'm guessing no one has ever talked down to her because she began to cry and play the sympathy card. Thankfully, everyone thought I did good by putingt her in her place. I don't know, I feel as though there was more that I could've said - but I held back because I might've just hit her :(

Moral is, I don't know what to do with girls like her. It's actually rather sad that I choose to write about it on an online Journal.... I know I'm not the only one dealing with pretencious individuals who crave drastic attention, but for those out there who do. HOW do you deal?

January 18th, 2012 at 12:25pm