So I think every American, and possibly everyone around the globe has heard about SOPA and PIPA. I just heard about this bill today and when I heard about it, I almost freaked right out!

A lot of people around my school are saying "THEY'RE CANCELING THE INTERNET!" and I just want to inform everyone who has been told that, no one is CANCELING the internet. But the do want to make DRASTIC changes that will affect EVERYONE.

Basically, to stop Online Piracy and to protect IP information they want to shut down video streaming websites (such as youtube), and many popular websites like twitter and facebook, and also search engines such as google and wikipedia.

Google and wikipedia, I love the people who run these websites, I'm glad they're helping speak out because they're two of the big reasons everyone knows about all of this. I just want to say thanks to them.

A lot of people are blacking out now! Everyone's who takes part in this, is helping us keep the internet uncensored, so we can keep some of the websites we love most! If you want to help out, here are a few links below.

THANK YOU for helping, it really means a lot to me, and the majority of Americans because these bills threaten to destory the internet.

Lets tell our government to stop PIRACY not LIBERTY
January 18th, 2012 at 11:02pm