The coughing sucks .

I don;t like this cough.
It's been going on for like, 3 days.
I don't like being sick.
It's not my ideal pleasure.
I don't like to think about it, but whenever I don't think about it, it happens more.
Idk why? I don't know what to do anymore to make it go away.

I took medicine. Dayquil, Nightquil, Ummmmm, advil. Lol; advil doesn't work at all, but it helps with other things.

Is there anything that will help me get rid of this crap? I hate it.
I'm coughing right now as we speak! Ughhh. :((
I wanna get better bfore the fair.
2 more days.
LESS THAN 2 DAYS! This Friday.. Jeesh.
Okay, help... <3
January 19th, 2012 at 12:45am