Haven't written one of these in a long time really.

Wow, it has been a really long time. I guess I just need to vent it out. Well hello journal.

I guess I started feeling like this when I got home and daddy started complaining at me, saying he wished he would have had a girl that wanted to dress like a girl. Dad I dress better than half the girls I go to school with, sweat pants are comfortable. and I will now wear things that you want me to sorry. I'm me not you.
It got worse when I started listening to my Far From Home(FFDP) pandora station, all the songs make me think about everything.

I read back to my journals before and he was always mentioned in them haha.
Well can't stop the trend now, I'm back with Kyle. It's nice this time, I dunno. It's different, I guess we've both changed a lot since freshman year. I just know he's gonna be in my life one way or another somehwo for forever.

I just really want a super hot shower and sleep because I have a really bad urge to cut, and I don't know why.

G'night Mibbians.
Love, Peace, and Rocketships. <3
January 19th, 2012 at 01:57am