Modern Music, MC Hammer's A$$, and wiggling.


The majority of it makes no sense. And if it makes sense, its about sex and alchol, or about something super creepy that...I don't even have words for. So instead of ranting about the sh*t in general, I'm going to show you one by one which f*cking songs I have issues with.

Pumped Up Kicks - The first time I heard this song...I'm sitting here in my f*cking car thinking "WHAT the f*ck is this sh*t?" I thought it was bad enough that these guys sit here mumbling every word, and you have no idea what they're saying...

So I thought I had a genius idea. I decided to go look up these lyrics.

"Robert's got a quick hand. He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan. He's got a rolled ciggarette hanging out of his mouth, he's a cowboy kid. He found a six shooter gun in his dad's closet with the box full of fun things, I don't even know what...but he's coming for you...yeah he's coming for you."


do people think it's okay to sing this on the radio? Is that normal now?

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, better run, better run, faster than my bullet?"...I can't listen to this song anymore without invisioning a mass murder out to kill me now. This song describes my worst nightmare.

Dance - Okay if you don't know this song here's the lyrics.

"A** a** a** a** a* a** a* a** a* a** a* a** a**" and WAIT FOR IT MAYBE SOMETHING WORTHWHILE IS COMING....

"now let me see the motherf*cker hammer time."

....I can't even with this song. How does hammer time have anything to do with this song? BIG SEAN ARE YOU SINGING ABOUT MC HAMMER'S A**? because thats the only referance I can make.

Sexy and I Know It - What bothers me the most about this song is the video, where he's only wearing baggy underwear and his junk is falping all over my screen like they're f*cking maracas on f*cking Mardi Gras in motherf*cking NEW ORLEANS.

Judging by your unkept afro and your awkward mustaches...I don't think I really want to see much more you guys going all WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE YEAH!

Besides the song is basically about being a concited b*tch, and it's not even that funny so if thats what they wanted to aim for it didn't really work.

ALL THESE SONGS are all over exposed, stupid, and pointless. I hope you enjoyed my music rant, alrightie then.
January 19th, 2012 at 04:49am