08- SOPA and the gaming community

Hello my beautiful reader,
Well to start another apology for my last journal. It has only recently come to my attention that leaveing a line doesn't create a gap. So sorry for my past journals being one huge blob of text on the screen.
So that divides it now, good to know. Well the reason i'm writing this if for a few reasons. The first is to tell you all that i am a GIGANTOUS nerd. I consider myself a nerd fighter, you may know what that is you're awesome. I love nerdy things I'm a starwars fan, i read a lot(Kind of implied since i'm on here), I'm smart, I know almost everything about Doctor Who and I absoloutely love video games! So yeah a bit of pointless knowledge about me there.
I'm English but SOPA and PIPA if passed will affect me too. I know some people might think the disscusion are over or if you live in a cave, not know what these are let me fill you in. I'm probably not the first to write about this but SOPA is the 'stop online piracy act' and PIPA is the 'protect IP act'. Both are very similar and aim to stop the internet being what it was always intended to be, free. Basically this can sue google if it has a link to a torrent or facebook and youtube. They will abuse the complete power this act will give them and we could loose so much we take for advantage. The fact that this was made by some rich snobs who want to increase money in the movie industrys. What a load of rubbish.
Although this is an American bill think how much of the internet is based in America and how much will be lost by everyone. This post is about the ESA, entertainment software industry, mainly. They are apparently representing the game industry. I THINK NOT! I'm pretty sure most gamers like the internet, i sure do and i'm not happy with them saying they are representing us. They found the E3 which is where they make a lot of their money and i am asking you to tell people not to go. Send them a link to this if you like or just explain to them what they are supporting, online prison. Well that was much more informative then usual. The bill is on the shelf for now but this war is far from over and as internet users we must win and the act must not pass.
I'm Tom and this is me showing why i'm against SOPA and PIPA!
January 19th, 2012 at 06:42pm