Sexy and I Know It...CHOIR EDITION. (I'm literally LMFAO....bad joke.)

So I saw this today, and I don't even have words...this gives a whole new meaning to What the FUCK

Now. I know since you guys already hate me so much, some of you are going to find a way to bash me on what I'm about to say...but...HOLY SH*T HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Part of me died inside listening to it for the first time, and I had to watch it all over again after I regained myself, and then I just laughed my a** off.

I don't even know how I found this...but I'm glad I did now! hahahahahahahaha!

What do you think? Am I the only one who finds this so F*CKING HALARIOUS LOL!
January 19th, 2012 at 11:34pm