Hurting...well, hurts!

So (and just for future reference this is my first journal) I found out that the reason that my best friend wasn't in school for the past week and a half was because she overdosed on prescription meds.
I mean, i was blown away when she told me this.
That and other things have been tearing at my heart for the past week: my boyfriend is aggresive, most of my friends are moving away, people are talking behind my back, my dreams are getting worse, and...well all this shit has driven me into a depression.

Well, let's get the boyfriend problem out: He's great and everything, but he's trying hard NOT to hit me. I can tell. every time i meet up with him somewhere he's always pissed at something. Not to mention the fact that he won't stop talking about his exes. I mean, yea i get it that she cheated on you and that you hope that i won't ever cheat on you and yea i know that your glad your with me and not her YEA I GET IT DON'T BRING HER UP IN EVERY CONVERSATION! He also won't stop talking about this one video game called Overlord or something. Eeeck. I think that he also likes to hear himself talk...
Worse part of it all is...i think i'm falling for his best friend. I know I know I know its terrible low blow yea yea yea. That's why i'm not going to tell him nor him and see how long this crush thing lasts....
Ugh...most of my friends are moving away! I don't want them to! at all! god only knows how bad this will go...
That dream thing that i mention earlier? yea, i have dreams not like wet dreams (yea i said that just for you pervs) or like idk fantasy dreams like, these dreams actually scare me...I'm being trapped by older men or an animal and i can't scream. I can never scream in any of these dreams. Never. Ever. No matter how close i am to dieing or being raped...
It's scares me...what if it comes to the point where it's not a dream? and i really can't scream for help?
...thanks for reading
January 20th, 2012 at 03:05am