Hey everyone! I've just recently gotten word that the journal glitch is gone! HOORAY!

So that means, I will be back online more often, answering your health and beauty questions and helping you out with things in those areas you struggle with. So leave me a comment with any requests.

IF YOU'D LIKE check out my previous journals, they're all about skin all from acne to skin redness, and more. So check them out for sure, I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on those, and I am 99.99999999% sure you'll like them or find them useful.

My goals in 2012 are to take a break from skin stuff, and talk to you guys more about hair and makeup, and fitness tips and a bunch of healthy, beauty stuff. But if you have skin questions, I still take those for sure since almost every one of my journals has been a request so far!

LEAVE ME YOUR COMMENTS my journals LIVE off of your comments and requests. You guys keep me alive! haha!

And the website! I am NOT ready to publish yet! I am so sorry, I'm so lazy! I'm getting right on it, and all the journals you will be able to find there when I publish!

FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME THIS JOURNAL leave me comments and requests! Thank you! And friend me if you'd like! Have a happy and healthy day!!
January 20th, 2012 at 03:11am