Fan Fiction Vs. Original Fiction & Comment Swap

I have noticed on many stories here, as well as my own, that original fiction usually gets hardly any views unless the author is well known whereas fan fiction gets so many more views no matter the status of the author. Granted some fan fiction doesn't get many views and some original fiction gets quite a lot but there are always exceptions to the rule. The majority of stories on Mibba apply to the rule and I think it should change. I understand that people like to read about what they know but surely they should give other stories a chance? Maybe it's just me.

Also, I thought while I'm on the topic of stories not getting enough credit, I might as well do a comment swap. So if anyone wants me to comment on their story in exchange for you commenting on one of my stories (I don't mind which one) then give me a link and I'll try and get to it straight away.
January 20th, 2012 at 06:06pm