Rain. [Story needed. Welcomed To ***]

You have to love those days. Those days when everything is crap, but then it starts to pour. Not rain. . . pour. Like the world knows what your going through and it's crying with you. Then you turn on music and a sad slow song plays. You have to think "This "crap" is meant to be. Hell, even the world is crying for me.". It makes everything better, knowing that the crap was meant to happen. Ha. Anyways.

I need a story to read. I can't promise I'll read it if you put it on here, but I just might. I am sick of looking and would rather someone just say "Hey read this." It would make my life ten times easier.

Just no band or anime stories please. I just can not get into those.

K thanks. <3
January 21st, 2012 at 11:34pm