Free Comments and It's One of Those Days.

The life part.

People are so horrible some times, I really just don't understand that. I work at Old Navy and most days I love working there. I have amazing coworkers and love all my managers. Though I have days like today that drive me crazy. Every person who walked through the door was angry or argumentative, it was terrible. I had a 40 something year old man yell at me in front of his ten year old daughter.


Who even does that?

I can take a lot, if you have read any of my other posts you know that. I mean I get called horrible names on a daily basis. Something got to me today and when I got home I just broke down. Life, way too much work.


The comments part.

So I am trying to get back in the swing of writing and would love if any of you would be so kind as to give me your opinion on these stories. Also if you comment on any of my stories I will comment back. Skip to the bottom for the free comments (or be nice enough not to)


First is Misconceptions it is a chapter story with gay sex and what note, it has nine chapters and is done. If you read and comment this story I will read your up to ten chapter story.

GroupThink is just a prologue so far, but I want to know if you think I should keep going with it.

Finally this is a one-shot I posted today Boyfriend Versus Knitting It is a funny fluff story about a gay couple.

I would love love love if any of you would read and comment on these stories.

If you read any of my stories and comment on them I will comment you back, like I said before. But since I have had a bad day and want you to have a better one I am going to comment any story you want me to. It has to be five chapters or less. No Harry/anyone not Draco, MCR, incest, overly violent, or overly gory. Recommend your story or one you love.

If you do this I will love you forever, to show this love I will end with some Drarry!

January 22nd, 2012 at 03:58am