I Finally Have Feelings For Another Guy, and I Just Found Out He Cuts. HELP. ME.

So it's been about two weeks that I've known Skyler. He's this guy that's my partner for a History project. Lately, we've been talking and we've become friends. And the weird thing is, it's been three years since I've felt anything for a guy besides Tyler (I'm not seeing Tyler, long story, look at my other journals if you're curious about him) but theres something about Skyler.

He's a writer, he writes poetry, and he's really funny. He's always so sweet to everyone he meets. I've been feeling for him. But thats not whats important right now.

Skyler dated this girl for two years, and on Thursday she broke up with him over text message, and then the next day started dating this guy that rides my bus. Skyler took it hard, and missed two days of school. When he came back, we were working out in the hallway and I noticed something that looked like cuts on his arm.

I pulled up his sweatshirt-jacket and he had cut 'F*ck You' all over his arm. I asked him if he'd done anything else and then he said no, but I could tell he was lying. Finally the truth came out, and since we were alone in the hallway, he lifted his shirt up he had F*ck Life cut onto his chest in giant letters.

It broke my heart. I didn't know what to do, so I didn't say anything after that. I haven't seen him again yet, and I dont know what to say.

I went down the same path as him, I used to cut my legs all the time. I don't know what I should say to him. It isn't worth the scars.

That stupid b*tch he was dating...I want to make her pay for his heart. I wan't to take her head and smash it into a wall, and I just might. I HATE her for doing this to Skyler. I can't even start with her, ugh!!!!!!!!

I don't know what to do, I'm having a mental breakdown. Please help, what should I do?!
January 22nd, 2012 at 05:14am