Working on a Story That I Shouldn't Be... || Completely Ranting About Quizilla. My Stories on There Would Make You Cry

Ugh, I have like 10 other stories I should be working on. They're stories that I said I would be starting and I only have about 4 of them that I actually wrote a few chapters for. Here I find myself, working on a completely unrelated story. Just one of those days. I've also been reading fan fiction for most of the day. I'm so happy Kingdom Hearts is the 5th biggest fandom on c:

Quizilla annoys me. I checked my old Quizilla and it's really been run down. I had a really dumb user name and really horrible stories. I nearly laughed myself to tears at how horrible they are. Here's an example (shoot me dead):

"I continued scanning through the crowd until I stopped on the slut who beat me up afew days ago, with her friends. This is my chance for pay-back. I walked up to her and without even thinking I punched her in the face, I probably broke her fake nose. Aww, poor her, not. I punched her again and she turned to me. I smiled.

"Miss me?" I asked her.

"Your the fucking emo who stole my boyfriend, I hope the lesson I taught you got through your thick skull." She hissed with venom in her voice. I frowned.

"You know what, you cracked my skull with those skyscrapers you call shoes." I grinned.

Everyone who was now watching us gasped. Slut frowned.

Notice that "The Slut" doesn't seem to even notice the first punch, and that there is no grammar. I can't believe this story even made it to page 5 on Quizilla...

Here is what i first notice every time I go to Quizilla:


Anyone else feel the same way about that website that tries to pack way too much into it's self. With no moderation at all. With people who are full of themselves. With people who believe in stereotypes. Mary Sues. I've also noticed that Quizilla has about 11 times less the people they did when I used to write on there. 22,000 readers quickly down-sized to about 2,000.
January 23rd, 2012 at 01:19am