Black Veil Brides co-written story

Hi :3
Um, I'm using this first journal entry to maybe find someone/or people who want to write a BVB story w/me? I like darker-themed stories though, and fiction. I'm free to ideas though so just message me, And it doesn't just have to be BVB again i'm open to ideas so...If you want to just send a message?

Um, I guess that's it for now. I'll add other journal entries for other things when I can think of it, so far I'm loving this site though so thanks for those being so nice to me. And also check out my one-shot's (most of my stories are on a different site but i'm transferring them over to this site soon, for one-shots and full stories some are Anime though.)

so for right now my full ongoing story is 'Blood Stained tears' check it out and tell me what you think, Again I'll be posting other stories soon so...Til then lol. So uh i'm just rambling at this point...Sorry and uh see yeah later? Thanks~

January 23rd, 2012 at 03:55pm