What am I doing with my life? + Story prompts..

Really. I have been sitting here staring at this screen going on ten minutes now and I have shite to write about. It's been like this for days and I haven't even had a decent JOURNAL idea. I've just been wasting time on Tumblr and Facebook like a cool kid... So close to picking my hair out strand by strand. And my fingers hurt too but from what? Not like I've been typing too much.

(nevermind about the finger thing, I got a cut somehow)



OH GOD, SO FOR CHRISTMAS I got a camera. c: A Canon. And I think I'm only slightly addicted to it. Self portraits are fun - or maybe I've just self centered though that's highly unlikely.


But I am quite fond of that picture. I look happy and looking happy is nice. I wanna figure out how to make GIFs by myself though with my camera. That'd be so badass.

Should I start a Youtube thingy? I don't know. Random thought but yeah. O__O Maybe I'm just too bored. School isn't important enough to me. Should be. I'm like, a C student and my mom is about to shoot me in my sleep I think.

Apart from those things, I NEED STORY PROMPTS. Horribly. Really. Seriously. I'll beg. I've had writer's block for months and my brain is like a desert. So please please please throw out some ideas.


Go check out All Over You by The Spill Canvas. Unf. And go listen to Tonight Alive if you haven't heard of them. They're amazing and now one of my favorite bands.


Q1: Favorite song?
Q2: If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Q3: Dragon or unicorn and why?

Okay, Flossie Fossie's out c: Byes. <3

January 23rd, 2012 at 11:17pm