I wish I knew what was wrong!

Today was the worst .... Everything In this entire world is bugging me to the point I feel like screaming to the top of my lungs or pulling my hair out... It's not my parents its everyone else ... Every little thing they say or do is just so annoying if they don't know how to say something worth while than I really don't want them to say anything at all... That scares me ..... Really I'm beginning to hate the world:/ why is that? I get so annoyed easily now a days and so upset I feel a big lump in my thoart and I wanna cry my eyes out but I can't cause I know everyone is watching me. Am I a bad person ? Do I ask for too much? What did I do to deserve all of this? Those are the questions that run through my mind a lot but I don't how know to answer them and I don't know anyone who can answer them for me.... I wish I had a prepose i wish i had a reason to be heard or here .. Something .. I wish I was important to someone and they were important to me that would make me happy I'm sure of it... But the only thing that makes me happy or close to it is listening to music and sometimes when I'm with my family but that feeling doesn't last i wish it would. I really need a hug right now or a shoulder :'/
January 24th, 2012 at 12:42am