Behold, My Random Shenanigans

My, oh, my.

It turns out, that I have a hamster now. It's a boy, and I'll be babysitting him, until death do us part. -sadfayce- But, until then, I will enjoy babysitting him. He's the most adorable little thing, my hamster. OH. Do you guys wanna know what I called him? I called him Nipples. xD Yeah, his name is Nipples. So when people come over, it'll go like this.

-Me: hey, wanna see my Nipples?

-reaction time-

-reaction one: what the hell? ew no!

-reaction two: sure.

-Me: -pulls out my hamster- :D

-reaction to that: -_-

Lol, but yeah. That's pretty exciting, no? Wanting to see my Nipples.. I may post up a picture of him. I dunno.

I wanna write a new story. I don't really know about what. I want to make an adaption of Twilight Princess. Take the plot and put it all in Link's perspective. Sure, you're playing like him, but Link doesn't speak. Wouldn't it be cool to see the story in Link's actual perspective?

I might put up my Bleach fanfic up here too. I have several chapters of that, so I may go along and continue that story as well. Memories of Nobody continuation. Yeahh, that's when I was in love with Bleach and had a lot of spare time! xD Wait.. Actually, this was last year, around april.. Hmm. I was still in school then.. Well, I must've been bored.

I'm also thinking of posting my other stories on here. Juuuuuuust might. That'd be like.. two more stories to the addition. Hm. That one with those characters.. and this one with these characters. Would bring me up to about five stories? Right? Yay, I can count! :D

I'll be thinking about all of that. Yesh. ^-^
January 24th, 2012 at 01:11am