Questions i found on tumblr;

And i want to answer them but no one will send me asks so i'll do them all here. Dont mind me, this is for me to keep myself from being bored. Lol

1: Apart from tumblr, what do you like to do in your spare time?
Write & read, listen to music, hangouts with my friends, wish the guy I liked felt the same, etc.

2: Name a favorite of each: food, drink, color.
Food: Bacon & Eggs. Basically every breakfast food.
Drink: xxx vitamin water.
Color: turquoise.

3: If you married rich and your spouse gave you $100,000 a week, what would you spend it on?
WELL It depends on who my spouse was. If it wasn't Kendall, I would save it up and buy big time rush. Is that weird? Lol. Otherwise, I'd buy a brand spanking new Chevy Camaro and a Nissan Titan. I have a slight car obsession. I'd also have a massive shopping spree at the mall.

4: Name a favorite of each: book, movie, tv show.
Book: The Hunger Games trilogy.
Movie: Grease or Never Back Down. Completely different movie genres, but I love them both.
Tv show: Supernatural.

5: If you were given the opportunity to spend 48 hours with absolutely anyone (living or dead), who would you spend it with and what would you do?
Difficult. Its a three way tie. Kendall Schmidt, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lovato.
Kendall- we would go to the beach. We'd stay there all day, he'd sing to me and we'd watch the stars at night with the waves crashing on the shore, cuddled up on a small beach blanket. Adhsks I just trolled myself.
Taylor- I'd make videos with her and just get to know her. We'd take stupid pictures and laugh about everything, and we'd relate to each other easily because of our ridiculous height.
Demi- I'd take pictures with her, fangirl, die inside, get a meaningful tattoo with her,and then die somemore.

6: Name a LEAST favorite of each: food, drink, color.
Food: Beans & Peas.
Drink: Alcohol. I don't drink it so I wouldn't know, but it makes you do stupid things so why would I like it when I do stupid enough things without alcohol in my system!?
Color: Probably pink.

7: What do you spend most of your money on?
Food cause I'm a fatass.

8: What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing?
I have one favorite thong that I wish I had a thousand of. They're pink & black zebra print in the front and lace connecting the front to the back. They're so cute I want to die.

9: Name a LEAST favorite of each: book, movie, tv show.
Book: My Spanish three book.
Movie: I can't think of one off the top of my head..
Tv show: Again, I really cant think of one..

10: If you were sat on a plane beside your favorite celebrity, what would you do?
Try to stay calm, but freak out inside, screaming 'I'm sitting next to Kendall schmidt' over and over in my head. I'd probably 'fall asleep' and end up leaning on his shoulder. In my fantasies this would be when he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, promising to be there forever.

11: What is the strangest thing you have in your room? (You are not allowed to explain why you own it.)
I honestly don't really have anything strange in here...uhm, there's a bag of cinnamon scented pinecones hanging from my celing that haven't smelled for like a year...?

12: What are some weird habits you have, or people have told you have. (Weird, not bad. No nail biting or any of that nonsense.)
1) the volume on the radio HAS to be at intervals of five.
2) creeping on people on facebook is a weird habit of mine...
3) people tell me its weird his much I like Big time rush & Cody Simpson.

13: What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself?
Talking shit about my family. Talk about me all you want, but mess with my family and you're gonna get bitched out.

14: What are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house?
1- Pool
2- my three kids running around, and my amazing husband playing with them.
3- Back porch opening onto the sand of the beach.
4- A really cool staircase to the second and third floors.
5- a beach theme.

15: If you could be reincarnated as any animal, which would you chose and why?
A cat? They're smart, lazy, and independent.

16: Which band (current or past) would you want to go on tour* with? (*Travel with, not preform with.)

17: Name a favorite of each: band, album, song.
Band: Big Time Rush
Album: Elevate
Song: Love Me Love Me or Show Me

18: Why is your favorite band your favorite?
there's so many reasons. I'm gonna do the whole rundown, so just skip if you don't care.
Kendall Schmidt. Hes precious. All the guys actually. They all genuinely care about their fans. They try so hard to please us, they work their asses of to give us fantastic shows. They're all funny. They have fantastic senses of humor, and I honestly could sit there watching their videos for hours. Lets not even get me started on looks. Kendall with his tall, blond and eyebrows. His dimples and his gorgeous green eyes. His hair, whether its pushed one of those god damned flawless beanies or laying flat across his forehead. Logan with his freaking spiked hair and undeniable swag. James with his height, sexy body, amazing voice. Carlos and his smile, his personality, and his spanish-ness. Altogether, they're irresistable. The babies can make me laugh in every situation and cheer me up when I'm sad. I wub dem. <3

19: How many concerts have you attended? Which was your favorite? Least favorite? If none, who do you want to see live the most?
Big Time Rush and Cody Simpson. Lets just say BTR > Cody

20: What is one of your favorite song lyrics? (Who is it by?)
"Someday, it'll come together. Someday, we will work it out. I know, we can turn it up all the way cause this is our someday." Big Time Rush, big surprise right?

21: Who do you ship?
me & Kendall...
I'm not a big shipper of the slashes. But if I was it's be Kogan. (Kendall and Logan)

22: What band merch do you own? If any, whose is it and when did you get it? If none, whose do you wish you owned?
I don't have any band merch, surprisingly. I want a btr shirt really bad.

23: How did you learn of the band that is currently your favorite?
nickelodeon <3

24: What celebrity do you idolize the most?
Demi Lovato.

25: Which member from which band would you most want to lather in nutella?
January 24th, 2012 at 05:37am