Tumblr is really pissing me off tonight.

An open letter to the people I encounter on Tumblr:

I understand that you live in a free country and that you have every right to express your 'opinions'. But most of you need to step the f*ck down. Maybe it's just the people I'm following, but I honestly get so sick of hearing a hundred plus people getting so worked up over something almost entirely irrelevant to your life.

Okay, so someone made a text post about something (that actually is meant to positive) that you disagree with? Good for you. Disagree with it. But to make jokes out of it and to think you're the funniest, most offensive f*cking gift to the world is edging a teensy bit on the ridiculous side.

If someone does something of their own prerogative, what right does that give you to flaunt your immature opposition at every given chance? They didn't make that text post to be bullied by an ignorant moron like you. They made that text post to try and make a positive difference in the lives of people who really need it. If you find something so wrong about that that you feel the need to exploit it, please remove yourself from the internet and take the time to seriously contemplate your motives. It gets really old.


okay, I feel a lot better now. I usually love being on tumblr, but a lot of times it can get overwhelming (especially when you're involved in some of the more... obnoxious fandoms).
January 24th, 2012 at 11:13pm