
So I have an MCR tattoo on my back, but I think it's sort of boring, and I want to develope it/decorate it/you know what I mean. The only thing is I can't really come up with what to do with it. I want something that represents MCR as the tattoo is a quote from Gerard.

This is the tattoo (the picture is frrom 3 hours after I took it. Now it's 8 months old), so as you can see there's a lot of bare skin to work with, but I don't want a backpiece (like, cover my back). I want something delicate and nice. I've googled other types of MCR tattoos, but I haven't really found anything that would look good with my tattoo and I don't want to decide until I'm 100% positive I'm gonna love it.

Anyone got any ideas or know about any good MCR tattoos I could get inspiration from?
January 25th, 2012 at 09:25am