crappy week... how about you?

Do you ever feel like life is shitting on you?

I know my petty problems are so minor compared to what could actually be but seriously, why does everything have to happen all at once?
1. Im rebooting my computer, and i have no internet at home, so all my files are on my friends computer and I'm sneaking on the internet at school for shit i need to do
2. i need to do a resume and make my portfolio for school so i can go and get an apprenticeship... all my files are on my friends computer that just got hooked up yesterday.
3. i sent the wrong resumes to my hotmail and i planned on working on them today
4. i need to print off all my pictures for my portfolio
5. my bank card is being a coonte and made me look like a retard this morning at tim hortons since i couldnt buy my food...
6. life can eff off

is anyone else's week shitting on them?
January 26th, 2012 at 02:56pm