You only live forever in the lights you make.

"I’ve been to hell and back, I spill shit, trip, and embarass myself. My life is messed up, I’ve been through more shit than you see on TV. Nobody’s perfect. I’ve been lied to, cheated on, and had my heart stolen. I’ve fucked up, fucked people up, and been fucked up, but every hit was worth it because I felt it. I knew it was real. Life is real and I’m living it wrong everyday. I’m fucking up royally and doing everything opposite, but do I regret one thing? Never. Because at one point what I did was what I wanted and I got my fucking satisfaction."

So I'm sitting here and having yet another writer's block. It is really frustrating to me, actually, because I really want to write. I want to post a new chapter of I've Got Nothing To Lose so I won't disappoint my subscribers + I really love writing it! Just staring at the screen, not knowing where or how to start chapter eleven is really messing with my head, haha!
Anyway, tomorrow's Friday, I'm getting a new piercing (well, not really. I just had to take it out because of an operation and tomorrow I'm gonna put it back in), I'm hopefully going to see my friend, it's weekend and hopefully that will give me some sort of weird inspiration to write.

So to everyone who is still waiting for chapter 11 - I'm really sorry, and I hope you know how much I appreciate each and everyone of you <3
January 26th, 2012 at 09:23pm