First Mibba journal: why teachers hate me.

Its raining... Like, a lot.
You see, I would be ok with this since I have a photography project on rain due next week. But guess who's stupid, overly-harmonal mother wouldn't let her bring her camera to school? Mine! And I can't do it when I get home because by that time, a bunch random freaking sunshine will have appeared out if absolutely nowhere. Thank you bibolar weather! (sarcasm implied)
My photography teacher already hates me because I had my phone out the first day I was in her class. Well technically, I didn't have my actual phone out. It was my phone CASE. I was showing my friends my otterbox (which was completely deattatced from my phone) and my teacher is like 40 billion years old and cant see. And so she thought it was my phone and took it to the office.
That wouldn't be too much of a problem, except my school is psychotic and they make you pay 25 dollars to get your phone back. I only had 4 so I kind of had to borrow some from Whitney and Alicia. ( Best friend and 8th grader that follows us around, for future reference.)
Most of my teachers either love me or hate me me because they taught one of my siblings before they taught me. I have two older brothers and an older sister who are all extremely ADD and irresponsible and obnoxious, yet fun and creative and smart. The AP English teacher loves me because Ann was really good at writing, but the Librarian hates me because Jonathan hacked the computer system and installed a chat room. And the georgraphy teacher loves me because Caleb made all her notes into power points so they are easier to teach, but the Biology teacher hates me be because Ann used to talk back to her all the time. And the chemistry teacher lives me because Jonathan dated his daughter and-- well, you get the idea.
Being he 4th kid kinda sucks sometimes. Especially when all you siblings move out and have exciting lives and your still a freshmen in high school *sigh*
Well that's all I'm writing for now. Rate or subscribe or do whatever you Mibbians do!
January 27th, 2012 at 12:43am