What do people hate Craig Mabbitt+Boys at my school confuse me

Craig Mabbitt

Serous, why do people hate Craig? I'm not the biggest ETF fan, I don't really fallow the gossip, cuz its stupid. But why? Do you hate him because he replaced Ronnie? Ya I do think Ronnie is better than Craig, but Craig was there when Ronnie was in jail. Well I don't know. I just think that's stupid reason to hate someone.

Boys at my school confuse me

I'm not very interested in dating, cuz I'm still to young, but boys to usually treat me like on of them cuz I'm the only girl on a all boys basket ball team (that has happened a lot) But the boys at my school, mostly in my grade are like PMSing or something, cuz one day there so nice to me, then next there so mean to me. It makes me crazy. And it's only the boys at my school really, it doesn't happen with my other guy friends.

Well to me this was a stupid Journal but....I don't know :/ I was board
January 27th, 2012 at 06:01am